Discounted off-peak membership at Lifestyles fitness centres, available to Liverpool residents in receipt of benefits, 60+ and full-time students.
Single 12 month off peak memberships
Our 12 month direct debit packages or pay annual offer you the best value for money.
Single flexible memberships
We offer two flexible packages. Pay as you go and three month non-committed.
Silver Access to Centres up to 4pm weekdays and all weekend
Silver Up to 4pm and weekends
Silver concession Up to 4pm and weekends
- How can I access this service?
- Sign up online
- When is this service open?
- Off-peak – Access centres up to 4pm weekdays and all weekend.
- How much will it cost me?
- See the main description
- What should I bring with me?
- Bring a proof that you are eligible such as Job Seeker’s allowance book, birth certificate, or a letter from your college.
- Social media
Follow us on X/Twitter
- What age groups is this for?
- Any age
- What areas of the city is this for?
- People from anywhere in the city
- Liverpool City Council
- 0151 233 3000