Mental health support for people (18+) in Liverpool.
Our Wellbeing Centres provide recovery-focused mental health support to people living in Liverpool. There are three wellbeing centres – City Centre, Belle Vale, and Garston (this page).
What kind of mental health support do we offer?
We have a variety of courses to suit a wide range of people:
Personal development courses: enabling people to recognise and develop their own personal resourcefulness, resilience and talents. These range from anxiety management and coping with depression to mindfulness and assertiveness.
Arts and creative courses: we believe that everyone is creative and that creativity can play a powerful role in a person’s mental health recovery, so we offer a range of courses that help people express themselves.
Peer-support groups: the people we support benefit from two sorts of expertise: professional and personal. Peer-led groups enable people with personal experience of mental distress to offer and receive support from each-other.
How to refer people to our Wellbeing Centres
We take self-referrals and referrals from professionals such as:
- GPs
- social workers;
- community nurses; and
- psychiatrists
To refer, please fill out a referral form and send it to:
Weekly Meditation online
- Thu 8.30pm New Zoom link 7 June 2024.
- Free and open to anyone who can access Zoom
Green Walking Group
- The group will meet at various Liverpool green spaces every other Wednesday at 2.30pm.
- If you are interested in joining the Green Walking group, call us on 0151 708 0415 or email
- How can I access this service?
- Via referral including self referral. Form link in the main description and on the website
- When is this service open?
- Enquiries are answered Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
- How much will it cost me?
- PSS Wellbeing Centres is a free service funded by Liverpool City Council.
- Disabled access
- Slope to the entrance
- How to get there
- Five minute walk from Liverpool South Parkway station. Half way around Highbank Drive next to no 54 you will see a narrow path and the archway entrance with the “Dutch Farm” sign walk through the arch and metal gate and straight ahead is the barn.
- What should I expect?
- Before attending a group we offer people a one-to-one appointment with a member of our team which is an opportunity to talk privately about their wellbeing and discuss any current challenges they are experiencing .This can be done as a telephone call or face-to- face appointment.
- Social media
- What groups of people is this for?
- People with mental health issues
- What age groups is this for?
- 18+
- What areas of the city is this for?
- People from anywhere in the city
- All Enquiries
- 0151 708 0415