Support for Internet Explorer

It looks like you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser. This is now considered ‘end-of-life’, and Microsoft is withdrawing support for it because it uses outdated technology. This means that it will no longer receive important security updates and previous bugs will not be fixed.

This means that the risk and cost are placed on service providers to develop twice for modern browsers and again for Internet Explorer. As free, modern alternatives are available for most platforms it is difficult to justify spending public money on further development.

Please see the Withdrawal of support for Internet Explorer notice from NHS Digital for more information and guidance.

Evolving Mindset

Free Mental Health Well-being sessions in Liverpool and online. For sessions outside Liverpool, see the website

Online wellbeing programme over six sessions for anyone aged 18+

Via Zoom from 6.15pm – 8.15pm. Next 6-week programme starts on Wednesday 19th June 2024

Free for anyone aged 18+. 
Online weekly sessions with different themes each week
Flexible to take part in a way which suits you best

  • Mindset & Goal Setting
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Stress & Anxiety Management
  • Low Self-esteem & Building Resilience
  • Physical Wellbeing & Positive Habit
  • Mindfulness & Relaxation

Sign up now with your email address and we’ll send you further info with a link to join each week:

How can I access this service?
Sign up online using the link in the main description
When is this activity on?
See the main description
How much will it cost me?
Social media

Follow us on Facebook and Intagram

What groups of people is this for?
The general public
What age groups is this for?
What areas of the city is this for?
People from anywhere in the city



Delivered in partnership with

Healthwatch Liverpool
Citizens Advice Liverpool