Support for Internet Explorer

It looks like you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser. This is now considered ‘end-of-life’, and Microsoft is withdrawing support for it because it uses outdated technology. This means that it will no longer receive important security updates and previous bugs will not be fixed.

This means that the risk and cost are placed on service providers to develop twice for modern browsers and again for Internet Explorer. As free, modern alternatives are available for most platforms it is difficult to justify spending public money on further development.

Please see the Withdrawal of support for Internet Explorer notice from NHS Digital for more information and guidance.

Kensington Community Learning Centre (KCLC)

Centre offering a range of activities, courses and support to the local community. Please check the website for full details of current activities.

Courses include:

ESOL – English for Speakers of Other Languages Improve your English language skills. We have a range of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses available from complete beginners through to Level 2.

Computer and IT courses

Learn everything from using a mouse to using Microsoft Office applications. Courses available from complete beginners up to level 2 ITQ

Job Club

Learn how to job search effectively , create and use a professional email, update your journal. Help and support with job related activities and access to computers and the internet.

Arts and Crafts

Our fun, informal Arts & Crafts workshops take place on Thursdays with a variety of projects including scrapbooking and card making. Classes are suitable for beginners with all materials provided. If you would like to get in touch with your creative side by making personalised items to take home, call into reception anytime to book a place.

Local councillor surgeries

Fairfield and Kensington ward Councillors are available at the centre on the first Thursday of the month

Office Services

A range of office services to the public, including printing, copying laminating, scanning and public computers.

Facility hire

Meeting spaces and classrooms available to to local people and organisations.

How can I access this service?
When is this service open?
Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm plus Thursday till 7:00pm
How much will it cost me?
Most services are free.
Social media

Follow us on Facebook

What groups of people is this for?
The general public
What age groups is this for?
What areas of the city is this for?
People from anywhere in the city


Kensington Community Learning Centre (KCLC), 291-299 Kensington, , L7 2RG



Delivered in partnership with

Healthwatch Liverpool
Citizens Advice Liverpool