Support for Internet Explorer

It looks like you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser. This is now considered ‘end-of-life’, and Microsoft is withdrawing support for it because it uses outdated technology. This means that it will no longer receive important security updates and previous bugs will not be fixed.

This means that the risk and cost are placed on service providers to develop twice for modern browsers and again for Internet Explorer. As free, modern alternatives are available for most platforms it is difficult to justify spending public money on further development.

Please see the Withdrawal of support for Internet Explorer notice from NHS Digital for more information and guidance.

The Florrie – Community Hub

Activities and support for the community. 

Jump to The Big Dingle Reunion Sep 2024 | Food Support | Social Welfare Advice Sessions | Online Resources

Weekly Activities

Timetable as of 25/4/24. Contact Tim on to join in or for more info about the activities.


  • Community Cycling Group 9.30am. Biweekly. Email for more info.
  • Men’s Walking Group meeting at the Florrie at 10.30am for a walk in the local area. Twitter
  • Art group 1pm


  • Yoga 10am
  • Sense of Calm 11am
  • Fitness for All 12pm
  • Guitar 6pm


  • Gardening Club 10am
  • Dyslexia Group 10am
  • Kata Training 11:30am
  • Table Tennis 1pm
  • Art Group 1pm
  • Learn French 1pm
  • Walking Football 5-6pm Meet at Stany Fields £3 per person. Book a place by emailing 


  • Tai Chi 9.30am
  • Guitar Theory Group 10am
  • Local History 12pm
  • Drama Workshops 2pm


  • Ukulele 10am
  • Men’s Walking Group meeting at the Florrie at 10.30am for a walk in the local area. Twitter
  • Board Game Club 12:30pm
  • Readers Group 1pm
  • Autism Support Group – email for more info and time

The Big Dingle Reunion flyer with details  back to top

Join us 7 September 2024 to celebrate The Florrie’s 135th birthday with a massive reunion party for all connected to The Dingle.

For the event we need your help to create a new exhibition by sharing your stories & memories.

  • Lived or worked in The Dingle?
  • Played for a local football team?
  • Have photos, artifacts, or stories to share?
  • Fondly remember your Dingle upbringing?

Send us your contributions to

Online resources back to top

The Florrie Radio

Broadcasts 24/7 from our studio, here in The Florrie, at the heart of Liverpool 8.

We offer local people a platform to learn new skills, express themselves, & openly share their voice & opinions through online radio, as well as highlighting the best new music Liverpool has to offer.

You can listen live right now with the web player or by using the Simple Radio app on your smart phone/speaker. You can also access all of our past recordings by heading to our Mixcloud channel.


Our online guitar class now has over 10 videos from special guest musicians. 

Learn English at The Florrie
  • Beginners ESOL on YouTube. Aimed at those with no experience of English, learning the language for the first time.
  • Advanced ESOL on YouTube. For those who have some experience in English & want to improve their understanding.

How can I access this service?
Some activities needs booking – see the main description
When is this service open?
Centre is open Monday – Friday 9am-4pm
How much will it cost me?
Most activities are free. Donations welcome. Small charges to others. See the main description. Donations accepted.
Disabled access
The building is accessible for wheelchair users. Limited on site parking available.
How to get there
The Florrie encourages bicycle travel with plenty of racks to secure your bikes. Buses to Park Road are 82, 422, 473, X1 and X22. The Florrie is a 5 minute walk away. Buses to Mill Street are 30, 103, 202, 204 and 800. They stop right opposite The Florrie.
Can I bring someone with me?
You are welcome to bring people with you and children are welcome to attend our community hub activities.
Social media

Follow us on Facebook and X

Follow Men’s Wellbeing Walk on X

What groups of people is this for?
The general public
What age groups is this for?
Any age
What areas of the city is this for?
People who live in L8


The Florrie - Community Hub, 377 Mill Street, Liverpool, L8 4RF



Delivered in partnership with

Healthwatch Liverpool
Citizens Advice Liverpool