Coffee morning and support hub based at Toxteth FireFit Hub every Thursday.
What time?
The Coffee morning will run between 10am and 12noon.
The Support Hub will run 1:30 to 3:30.
Coffee morning
Coffee morning will have free drinks and is an opportunity for people to come out and meet some of the Torus Foundation team or others from the community, our Finance support and Employment support, as well as Rahima from Primay Care Network will be there in case the customers need anything more. From 10:30 the mobile food pantry is also parked outside.
Support Hub
In the Support Hub you can receive advice on Finance, Employment, Housing, Health and Wellbeing and Community.
The Coffee morning and Support Hub are open to everyone but some of the services on offer might only be available to Torus Tenants.
See the flyer with details at the bottom of this page.
Torus also runs ‘Community Referring’ Health and Wellbeing service to tenants.
- All enquiries
- 0300 123 5809