Support for Internet Explorer

It looks like you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser. This is now considered ‘end-of-life’, and Microsoft is withdrawing support for it because it uses outdated technology. This means that it will no longer receive important security updates and previous bugs will not be fixed.

This means that the risk and cost are placed on service providers to develop twice for modern browsers and again for Internet Explorer. As free, modern alternatives are available for most platforms it is difficult to justify spending public money on further development.

Please see the Withdrawal of support for Internet Explorer notice from NHS Digital for more information and guidance.

West Everton Community Council (WECC)

Community Centre in the L5 area.


2pm – 3.30pm – Food Bank. Vouchers only. Requires a referral from an agency and this provides emergency food and support to people in crisis.


Pantry 1pm – 3pm. Our Pantry will offer affordable nutritious food for a minimal fee of £3.50 per week (2023). As a member of Pantry you will be able to choose 10 items, including fresh meat and fruit and veg. Alongside is Citizens Advice Liverpool from 1-4pm.

Sign up on this page (choose ‘Liverpool West Everton’).

How can I access this service?
Foodbank – voucher needed. See foodbank page.
When is this activity on?
See the main description
How much will it cost me?
Foodbank can be accessed with a voucher. Pantry – £3.50
Social media

Find us on Facebook

What groups of people is this for?
The general public
What age groups is this for?
Any age
What areas of the city is this for?
People from anywhere in the city




Delivered in partnership with

Healthwatch Liverpool
Citizens Advice Liverpool