Support for Internet Explorer

It looks like you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser. This is now considered ‘end-of-life’, and Microsoft is withdrawing support for it because it uses outdated technology. This means that it will no longer receive important security updates and previous bugs will not be fixed.

This means that the risk and cost are placed on service providers to develop twice for modern browsers and again for Internet Explorer. As free, modern alternatives are available for most platforms it is difficult to justify spending public money on further development.

Please see the Withdrawal of support for Internet Explorer notice from NHS Digital for more information and guidance.

Wheels for All (inclusive cycling)

Cycling initiative for people with disabilities and people who would otherwise not be able to cycle.

Each centre provides a range of specially adapted cycles, which means that anyone can experience the feeling of freedom, the breeze on their face, and the sense of achievement that comes with inclusive cycling.

There are Wheels for All leaders and volunteers at every centre, with the knowledge and confidence to work with adapted cycles for every participant, young or old, to enjoy the benefits of cycling. Each centre welcomes individuals, groups and families who can come along and enjoy a lovely hour or so together on a cycle, regardless of their ability or cycling needs.

We can also provide Wheels For All training to give individuals, carers and support staff the confidence to work with adapted cycles with the people they support or family members so that all can enjoy the benefits of cycling in a sociable environment.

Wheels For All weekly sessions


  • Croxteth Hall 12:00 or 13:00 Booking link
  • £5 per person.
  • Meeting behind Croxteth Hall by the Disabled Car Park.
  • Supporters/carers can cycle or attend for free.
How can I access this service?
Email/text/call the service to book a place
When is this activity on?
See the main description.
How much will it cost me?
First session free, then £5 per session. Carers free.
Social media

Follow Pedal Away on Facebook (community based cycling scheme)
Wheels for All Merseyside on Facebook and X

What groups of people is this for?
Carers People who are physically disabled
What age groups is this for?
What areas of the city is this for?
People from anywhere in the city


Wheels for All (inclusive cycling), Croxteth Hall & Country Park, Off Muirhead Avenue East (or disabled parking off Croxteth Hall Lane entrance), L11 1EH



Delivered in partnership with

Healthwatch Liverpool
Citizens Advice Liverpool